Friday, July 12, 2013

Prayer Time

Lord, I need your mercy. I have taken You for granted. I have not placed all of my worries and concerns in Your loving hand. I have not looked to You like I should. I am in need of Your forgiveness. I am in desperate need of your peace. I stay stressed all of the time. Our family remains busy each and every day. I know that You are with us. You have not called us to live stressed. I am asking You to please guide our day. Help us to search You in all we do. I only want Your will. I am facing a few fears today, and I know that You have sent Your angels before me to keep me from striking my foot against a stone. Please prepare my heart for facing this fear. I cannot do this without you, Father. God, please help me as a Proverbs 31 woman, to prepare my household for Your return. May we look to You for guidance on how to navigate this dying world. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Close of the day

Father I am here at the close of the day. I am thankful for Your protection of my family and me. I am thankful for the giggles and happy times, but I am also thankful for the frustrating moments of impatience and imperfection. God You are made perfect in my weakness. Please remind me of that sooner. I ask that You convict me so that I am able to obey you sooner. Your mercy is perfect and just. Show me how to turn away from the negative inner dialogue that tends to plague my mind. I ask You to forgive me of my sin and failures. Please wake me to a new day of service to You. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.

Friday, July 5, 2013

2 Corinthians 1:8-10

In this letter to the Corinthians Paul is speaking of something we as Americans cannot understand. We are not persecuted like they were in Paul's time. Even though we may not understand their persecution we do understand being burdened. We understand what it feels like to have the "weight of the world on our shoulders". We all carry burdens. Even if we are okay personally, we have friends and family members who are hurting. We might not know how we are going to make it, but Paul says that the burdens they were carrying were to show them how much they needed to rely on God. 

God wants us to fully rely upon Him. God wants our complete devotion to Him. We need to set our eyes upon God. He alone knows ALL the burdens we carry. He alone knows the burdens we carry in secret. We can hide nothing from Him. He longs to work in your life, but He cannot work if we do not trust Him. The Bible says He will never leave us. Train your thoughts to be in line with the Bible. The only way that can be done is by reading and studying His word.

So, look to God, pray, study the word. Allow God to use the burdens you carry to show you how much you need God. He loves you! He loves you! He loves you!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Day 1

Great is Your faithfulness to each of Your children. Father thank You for loving us. God please forgive my sins. Search my heart, God. Bring to light that which I need to change. May all I do bring you glory. 

Father, I lift up my husband to You. Father, he carries a big load on his shoulders. Only in You can he truly carry out You plans for his life. God create in my husband a yearning for Your Word. May my husband choose to live out Your word daily.

Father, I bring my children before You. You have temporarily placed them with my husband and I. I ask God that You keep their paths clear so they are able to see You at all times. May they always follow the path that leads to righteousness.

God, there are many situations in the lives of my extended family and friends that need Your attention. Many of my family and friends walk this path without ever asking for help, but God, You know they need it. Lord, some carry burdens that only You know about. I pray that You will intervene in their life. Bring about a greater understanding of who You are. May they see You as gracious and kind but also just. May they lean on Your words of peace and comfort.

Father, I am thankful again for all you are accomplishing in my life and the lives of my husband, children, extended family and friends. God, thank You for sending Jesus to bridge the gap between You and Your children. May we strive to be Your example without compromise. 

In Jesus Name I pray. Amen

Monday, June 24, 2013


The last week has brought about growth for me. Will it stick? Well, I hope so, but I know that I am not perfect. Above all my family goes through, my goal is that we bring glory to God. Isn't that why we are here, to serve God and bring Him glory? God wants all of us everyday. He longs for us to place Him first in our life. We can tell everyone that we are serving Him with our whole heart, but God knows the truth in that statement. He knows if you are slacking off. He knows if you are really following His Word. You cannot hide anything from Him. I am responsible only for my life in God. I am not responsible for others' walk with Christ. I can only do my best to speak the truth in love and pray that people see their need for God. I also have to remember that my speaking truth in love may still offend others regardless of how I present it. I cannot take offense. I have to separate my feelings with the knowledge that I have spoken the truth. I am still learning, but God grace is carrying me through.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Embracing the Season of Your Life

 I have struggled since having kids really wrapping my heart around this season of my life. I love my kids and want the best for them, but never can really grasp that a big part of the "best" will come from me. It is such a HUGE responsibility! I still cannot fathom why God would choose me for this. I am selfish. I want my way. I am not patient. Once again, I go back to God's grace. Without God's grace, I would not be able to accomplish anything. Praise God for His grace and praise Him for the season of life I am in.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Today's Prayer

Father, I am in desperate need of you today. I have stepped out believing that You have asked me to do so. My heart has been laid out. This gap has been in place too long. You, God, can restore anything. 

I am praising You, Father for Your magnificent love for each of Your children. I am asking You to bless those who persecute Your children. I am praying for those who are in harms way for Your purposes of spreading the message of Jesus. I am praying for breakthroughs in the lives of those who have been searching for You for so long. 

God, please use each of Your children for Your glory. May we stand firm and strong in Your word.

In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.